
Author: Emma F

We're hosting Mimbre Circus Central, an amazing day of performance and workshops in Hackney in September, come and join us! 7th September 2013 - 12pm-5pm Taking advantage of the temporary pedestrianisation on the Narrow Way at the top of Mare Street (E8 1HY), Mimbre will be taking over the whole area for a day. With performances by us and some of our amazing friends as well as workshops for all the family it's going to be fantastic.

We're currently on the look out for some excellent people to join our team. We're recruiting for a new Finance Manager for a one day a week post and maternity cover for our General Manager at three days a week from July. If you're interested or...

So as followers of the blog will know we're in production for our new show, Falling Up. We're at the stage of  looking for a technical stage manager to join us in the last period of rehearsals and on tour with the show this summer. Falling Up is an outdoor performance which will tour with 4 perfomers and one technician aross the UK and Europe with dates spread between May and September 2012.


      So it seems in the mimbre office this pregnancy thing is catching. Inspired by the various bumps and babies in our midst Silvia, Emma and Martha have been exploring what these bump laden, or snack laden,  bodies can do - and what we're told they're...