
Acrobatics: Anatomy and Approach

Acrobatics: Anatomy and Approach

For the past few years Mimbre has been exploring the delicate balance between pushing the performer’s body to the limit, while sustaining a level of fitness and remaining injury free. Through our research we aim to find ways to improve technical training, prevent injuries, promote circus performer’s health, and create a practical document to advance best practice.

We are very pleased to announce a two day Acrobatics Symposium in collaboration with the national centre for circus arts, exploring the culmination of our findings.

National Centre for Circus Arts
Coronet Street, London

Saturday 31 October
Sunday 1 November

We will bring together acrobatics with other disciplines such as mindfulness, sports medicine, dance and movement sciences to see how the culmination of knowledge from these different disciplines can improve our work and our bodies.

The Acrobatic Symposium will take place over two days and include lectures, workshops, artists outlook and round table discussions. See below for more details on what will be covered.

The starting point of the symposium will be from the perspective of floor based and partner acrobatics. However although some sessions taking place will focus on those disciplines, most of the information and discussion will be very relevant for other circus disciplines and for very physical performers from other sectors including dance, gymnastics, parkour etc.

The symposium will cover various topics including:

  • How to promote injury prevention throughout an acrobat’s career
  • How other research in fitness, sports and dance can be useful for circus artists
  • Common injuries in acrobats, their prevention and management
  • How other complementary practices can sustain health and longevity

There will also be round table discussions covering other topics, such as:

  • Women’s challenges as circus performers: specific training needs and post-natal training
  • How to use creative training practice to encourage inclusivity
  • Recommendations for rehearsals room when employing circus performers

Stay tuned to find out more! Speakers will be announced by the end of the month!

For more info and booking visit


Hurry early bird prices still available!

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