
Costume Designer Wanted – Updated again!!

Costume Designer Wanted – Updated again!!

Mimbre is looking for a costume designer to complete the creative team for its upcoming acrobatic show “If I could I would”. The designer would be working in partnership with the Artistic Director to create the costumes for 3 female acrobats. 

The show is centred on a day in a seemingly normal woman’s life, which starts to change things (with super powers). The move from normal to super hero is a central element that needs to be present in the character’s costumes (for example her dress turns into a cape!).

Ease of movement is a crucial requirement for acrobatic choreography and the designer has to be prepared to try and test some of the costume ideas before committing to the final product. Elements such as weight, slipperiness of material or restrictions that can hinder the safety and the performance of the acrobats should be taken into consideration.


“If I Could I would” is going to be produced across the spring of 2016, with 3 weeks of rehearsals starting from February 29th until 18th March. This initial rehearsal period is interrupted by Mimbre’s commitment to another production in April. Rehearsals for the show will resume in May – from the 3rd to 13th.

You would have to be available for the February-March rehearsals to design and test ideas and potentially start making some of the costumes, to then finish fittings in early May.

Mimbre works very collaboratively in our process of creating work and you will be working closely with the Acrobats, Artistic Director and the Set Designer.


The Costume Designer needs to have professional experience of working with circus-performers or dancers or any equivalently physical performers. Experience of designing for outdoor performance is a plus but not absolutely necessary.


£1,000 design and making inclusive

How to Apply

For more details on the project and how to apply please download: If I could I would – Costume Designer Job Description

Please do not forget to download, fill in and return the application form:

Application Form

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch should you have any questions.

  • Robin
    Posted at 14:13h, 03 February

    Are you still accepting submissions for this post? It states a Jan 18th deadline but I was unsure if that was supposed to be Feb. Thanks.

    • Jana Jammal
      Posted at 15:08h, 03 February

      Hello Robin, Yes we are! It is indeed 18th Feb not Jan. The job description has been modified. Many thanks!

  • Jemima
    Posted at 10:38h, 05 February

    hello could you also please let me knwo of the budget for the costumes and tests please?

    • Jana Jammal
      Posted at 11:20h, 05 February

      Hi Jemima,
      I’ve update the post and the job description – the fee (£1,000) is for design and making. We have a separate budget for material. I hope this makes sense.

      • Jemima
        Posted at 10:11h, 08 February

        Hi many thanks. So you are looking for a designer maker? What is the materials budget please?

        • Jana Jammal
          Posted at 13:44h, 09 February

          Hello Jemima,
          The budget is something to be discussed in the interview stage, as it is still in discussion. Odd are, it won’t be higher than £1,000.
          hope this helps,


  • lindsay
    Posted at 23:07h, 10 February

    What an exciting company! Wish I could apply to work with you, but I live in the US currently. Hopefully in the future – I will try to see the production in London in April though when I am traveling through. Cheers!