
Your inspiration, our creation!

Your inspiration, our creation!

How do you perceive time? How do you visualise it? What happens if you slow down or speed up parts of our everyday life? How else can you mess with our perception of time passing? How would you represent this in a visual medium or in words? Can you video a moment from your day that makes time feel really slow or a moment when it feels like time flies past, and share that feeling with us?

Send us your answers to these questions and inspire us (find different ways of getting in touch at the end of this post)! Send us poems, images, texts, drawings or short videos, something you’ve done before or something new – basically anything that represents your perception and notion of time! It does not have to be professional at all, just be creative and have fun with it! Sign up to vine or instagram and start exploring the exciting things you can do with it. I personally have only started using these apps on my phone a couple of weeks ago, but am already loving all the little clips and things you can do with it – they allow everybody to be creative and a video-maker!

From 10th – 13th February we have an amazing few days of research and development planned in collaboration with Hackney Live where we are developing our first ideas for a new show called Time. An exploration of the precise and relative nature of time and the way we perceive it, the final show will include acrobatics, dance, animations by Magali Charrier and video projections – and you can inspire this creative process!

From the start we are opening up our research and development to you, inviting you to follow the creation of our new show (which usually happens secretively behind closed doors) and also to be a part of it, if you want. On Monday, 10th February, we will publish a video with more details on our “challenge” for you for the coming week, but in the meantime just play with the different notions of time and the various social media platforms we are using.

magalitralalacreditYour submissions will help trigger our choreography, influence our visuals and shift the way we think about the big questions of Time. All the submissions will be collated online and shared across our social media networks. Those that we find most inspirational will be shown as part of our live streamed event at Hackney Live on the 13th February, with your credit, and will become part of the online public archive that charts the creation of Time in the run up to the premiere in Summer 2015.

We’re always open to see your ideas but the last date for submissions to be included in the live stream will be 12th February.

Join our TIME Facebook group to follow the exciting R&D process leading up to the live stream on Hackney Live and beyond or to upload a photo or file, follow us on Twitter to get the latest updates and send us your inspirational creative work via this blog, email or vine, instagram or youtube (maximum length 1 minute)!

Twitter/Vine: Mimbre_Acrobats (#mimbretime)

Instagram: Mimbreacrobats  (#mimbretime)

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/225644667623672

YouTube: Mimbreacrobats

Email: info@mimbre.co.uk

Blog: www.mimbre.co.uk/blog

  • Kathrin S
    Posted at 17:21h, 04 February

    We have received our first video contribution from Manuel AC – thanks a lot!

    Have a look here to see how he has played with the notion of time: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1eqhf_elminuto_creation

  • Kathrin S
    Posted at 11:09h, 05 February

    Maribel sent us a a poem by Mario Benedetti about time in Spanish – thank you very much!

    POEMA DE Mario Benedetti

    Tiempo sin tiempo

    Preciso tiempo necesito ese tiempo
    que otros dejan abandonado
    porque les sobra o ya no saben
    que hacer con él
    en blanco
    en rojo
    en verde
    hasta en castaño oscuro
    no me importa el color
    cándido tiempo
    que yo no puedo abrir
    y cerrar
    como una puerta

    tiempo para mirar un árbol un farol
    para andar por el filo del descanso
    para pensar qué bien hoy es invierno
    para morir un poco
    y nacer enseguida
    y para darme cuenta
    y para darme cuerda
    preciso tiempo el necesario para
    chapotear unas horas en la vida
    y para investigar por qué estoy triste
    y acostumbrarme a mi esqueleto antiguo

    tiempo para esconderme
    en el canto de un gallo
    y para reaparecer
    en un relincho
    y para estar al día
    para estar a la noche
    tiempo sin recato y sin reloj

    vale decir preciso
    o sea necesito
    digamos me hace falta
    tiempo sin tiempo.

    Lee todo en: Tiempo sin tiempo – Poemas de Mario Benedetti

  • Hilary Goodall
    Posted at 11:59h, 10 February

    I’ve responded to your video call with a piece I made playing with speed using images in nature. And colour – as I thought there was something about different speeds and the change in perception of colour. The link to my video is


  • Hilary Goodall
    Posted at 20:16h, 10 February

    A second video for your Time project – this time done with Stop Motion (which I like the idea of when thinking of time!) It’s at:
