A short film film by Shona Heath in collaboration with Mimbre
The Eye blinked, said “When I see I can’t stop, so I like to look in slow motion”
The Ear, “What I hear I have no choice, no door. I shall hear with kind eyes”
The Mouth said “When I speak I don’t mean it”
and the Nose, just knows what’s right.
A collaborative purely personal project between Shona Heath, Mimbre, Guy Stephens and Tim Gutt.
A jumble of soft confusing bodies and tumbling limbs, the face finds itself again and again.
This collaborative project explores our facial features as separate entities, with separate minds, it is an ode to their simplicity and their need for one another.
Mimbre brings characterisation to these free features as they bump and blend with the bricks and pavements of Hackney streets.
We would like to give them to the people and streets of Hackney.
London, February 2022
Creative Direction & Costume – Shona Heath
Film Maker & Sound Design – Guy Stephens
Choreography – Lina Johansson, Mimbre
Costume & Set Team – Plum Woods, Salwa McGill, Joanna Rose Keys, Scarlett Winter, Ella Schlesinger
Stills Photography – Tim Gutt
EAR – Ruby Gaskell
EYE – Alison Halstead
NOSE – Silvia Fratelli
MOUTH – Freya Stokka
Acrobatic support – Jaide Annalise
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