
Acrobat Stuck At Home

Our Approach to Acro in Lockdown

Acrobat Stuck At Home

Creative challenge time! We invite you to join us and explore these times through our hashtag #acrobatstuckathome.

Acrobats on the picture: (clockwise from top left): Rebecca Solomon, Rebecca Rennison, one of our brilliant Youth Programme participants Lev, Rebecka Nord, Karin Melin and Sophie Northmore

While we realise that this is minor in the grand scheme of things, as acrobatic performers it’s a real issue to not be able to train together.

By the time the Stay At Home Directive came into practice, we had already set up virtual training sessions with our pool of performers. It’s been a remote way for us to train together and keep our spirits up.

Out of these sessions has grown our creative photo challenge: #acrobatstuckathome. As a lighthearted response, a way of venting our frustrations, and hopefully a chance to bring smiles to people’s faces.
We’ve had our Youth Programme participants share pictures with us, and we’ve really enjoyed seeing all the different responses, from our community and beyond.

Tag us on Instagram and Twitter, use our hashtag, and have a peek at what our community of acrobats’ responses were as inspiration. You don’t have to be an acrobat to join the photo challenge – #notanacrobat
We can’t wait to see what you come up with, stay safe and stay strong.

Acrobat Stuck at Home Creative challenge 3
Acrobats on the picture: (from left) Rachel Baird, Silvia Fratelli, Lina Johansson and Rebecka Nord

Disclaimer: Please bear in mind that some of the images we have shared and will share are done by professional acrobats, so please don’t try those at home if you’re not an acrobat. If you are an acrobat make sure have a spotter!

Join us on our social channels and keep scrolling for more fun snapshots of our #AcrobatStuckAtHome creative challenge.
Instagram: @mimbreacrobats
Twitter: @Mimbre_Acrobats

Acrobats on the picture: (clockwise from top left) Lisa Whitmore, Lily Malich and Rebecka Nord
Acrobats on the picture: Emily Nicholl and Freya Stokka
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