
rehearsals Tag

Over the past few weeks we had performances of Until Now and Falling Up at City of London Festival, Woking Dance Festival, at Laban, at Alnwick Gardens, at Birmingham Hippodrome and at Appetite in Stoke-on-Trent. We enjoyed each and every one of them very much and would therefore like to share with you some more visual impressions of our summer tour (thanks a lot to Oleg Katchinski and Paul Liversage for sending us their photos)!

Unfortunately the weather wasn't very kind to us last Saturday at the Dalston Children's Festival. Due to heavy wind and rain the performance of "Falling Up" had to be stopped half-way through - the set nearly flew off and it would have been too dangerous for the performers to continue on the slippery ground. Sadly, the acrobatics and street dance workshops that were supposed to take place after "Falling Up" also had to be cancelled. But at least our youth group got to perform everything they had prepared for the festival before the weather got worse!

Have a look at the photos below for some impressions of our windy performances!

As followers of this blog and our work will know, we are on tour again! This year's summer tour has been kicked off a couple of weeks ago with performances of "Falling Up" and "Until Now" in Mondeville/France (for more information on the festival Plateaux Ephemeres please go here) and last weekend we had the pleasure to present "Falling Up" at the International Street Theatre Festival in Valladolid - to great feedback from audiences and festival programmers alike!

This Saturday, May 25th, the Dalston Children's Festival will be launched, a new community-led festival that promotes fun and free things to do for children and young people, all over Dalston, all summer long (25th May – 31st Aug 2013). It is a celebration of the extraordinary creativity of Dalston’s community and the resourcefulness and imagination of local people who are committed to making Dalston a great place for children and young people all year round. Mimbre is very happy to be part of this exciting new festival in Dalston!