The Sofa Dance is a short film by filmmaker Arthur Le FOL and Mimbre as part of BBC Arts’ Filmed in Lockdown.
When the world is no longer your stage… 30 acrobats physicalise the shared exhaustion, frustration and complications of living within drastically limited space, creating absurdity and beauty while stuck on their sofas. A short film that gives a snapshot of the extraordinary spring of 2020 and how differently we all dealt with it, finishing with an invite to the viewers to share their own experiences from the comfort of their sofas.
Filmed in Lockdown is a series of new works of literary, musical, visual, and performance arts, supported by Sadler’s Wells, commissioned for Culture in Quarantine by Arts Council England, BBC Arts and The Space.
The film was available to stream for a year on BBC iPlayer from July 2020.
Watch the film on Youtube.
The Sofa Dance was screened at The Spark Festival 13th – 20th February 2021, Norwich Theatre Royal’s Re-Charge Digital Season 10th April – 6th June 2021 and Dublin Dance Festival 18th – 30th May 2021, Endo Support United‘s Circus support for Endo Warriors Cabaret 25th September – 3rd October 2021.
It was also accompanied by #MySofaDance workshops at The Spark Festival, Re-Charge Digital Season and Dublin Dance Festival, run by the director and the performers of The Sofa Dance. A stand-alone Sofa Dance workshop was held at For The Love Of It 2021 (An Outdoor Arts UK celebratory online gathering held 26th – 28th March).
Alison Halstead, Anesta Mathurin, Arielle Lauzon, Charmaine Childs, Emily Nicholl, Farrell Cox, Fiona Thornhill, Freya Stokka, Jackie Le, Jessica Ladley, Joana Dias, Julia Cheng, Karin Melin, Lina Johansson, Lisa Whitmore, Lissy Lovett, Lucie Maisha N’Duhirahe, Lynn Scott, Maiya Leeke, Natasha Khamjani, Nikki Hill, Rachel Baird, Rebecca Solomon, Rebecca Rennison, Rebecka Nord, Reece Lyons, Rosy Roberts, Ruby Gaskell, Silvia Fratelli, Sophie Northmore.
Head here for the Sofadancers bios.
Featuring the young talent
Aélia Katsaiti Nord, Dylan Fratelli-Burch, Kalani Khamjani-Wilson, Lev Maggor, Eva Ruth Euba, Frida Fratelli-Burch, Marnie Power, Milian Nord Katsaitis, Raya Maggor, Ronja Talbot, Skyla Khamjani-Wilson, Suki Keighley, Tuva Talbot
Additional #MySofaDancers
Graciette Dias, Clement Stokes, Amani Talbot, Agneta Olsson, Cecilia Baird, Josie Saunders, John Ladley
Guest appearances, special thanks to
Our flatmates, families and partners
Edited by Arthur Le Fol
Choreographed by Lina Johansson and cast
Filmed by the cast at home locations
Project Manager Zsófia Szendrei
Music Just a Place by Underground System
Executive Producers
For Sadler’s Wells Theatre – Alistair Spalding and Bia Oliveira
For The Space – Fiona Morris
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