
London Tag

Hey mimbre followers, We had a fantastic weekend with mimbre's young company - the Step Up group. They spent the entire weekend working hard to create a performance for the Discover Young Hackney - Festival opening ceremony at the Hackney Empire this Friday (1st of February). The show has flips, twirls and lifts. Have a look at some of our pictures from the weekend:

Just as 2013 is kicking in proper I wanted to take the last chance to take a brief look back on all I achieved in 2012 - both with mimbre and together with other companies or artists. For me it was an exciting and busy year, lots that I learned and lots that I am proud of.  Working as a choreographer and director with a variety of artists and companies refreshed my perspective of how exciting our art-form can be, made me appreciate what I know and what I know really well, and helped to over again re-ignited my love of acrobatics. For you who follow this blog there has been plenty of updates on the mimbre productions last year, so here I will focus more on the collaborations with other companies in 2012. Two of the shows I worked on are currently on, so I will start with them:

Last weekend (12th and 13th January) the Roundhouse (or at least its Studio Theatre) saw bodies being lifted, legs floating in the air and arm muscles being put under quite some pressure - as mimbre and our Acrobatics Masterclass participants took over the space. We worked on dynamic partner and group work involving lifts, jumps and throws as well as inverted positions and more challenging acrobatic moves such as somersaults, banquine and tumbling. Furthermore we explored a range of specialised acrobatics and acrobalance techniques from mimbre’s repertoire of tricks, looked at creative and innovative approaches to choreographing acrobatics and worked on strategies for how to train, work and maintain your body optimally for the extreme impact of acrobatics training.