
London Tag

Time flies - we are now more than half-way through this summer's tour of our new show "Falling Up"! The weather hasn't always been the best and so some performances unfortunately needed to be cancelled at the last minute... but we still had a great time over the past few weeks and are very proud of Falling Up's success and reception! We got amazing feedback and lots of lovely comments from you, our various audiences - so we'd like to share some of them here with everyone! "Fantastic show - I loved its sense of fun, its simplicity and its lack of pretension, it made it really accessible for me. I am also so encouraged to see dancers who are beautiful and extraordinary in unconventional ways, so much more engaging than more conventional troupes. Loved how much the dancers were clearly enjoying themselves - made me grin the whole performance through."

It’s my first week as General Manager (Maternity Cover) at Mimbre and I’m delighted to join this inventive, inspiring, friendly company at an exciting stage of their development. With a busy Summer of touring underway, and plans for Autumn taking shape, it feels like a good time to join.

Mimbre's Own Big Dance Events w/c 9th of July
We will be running our own Big Dance event as part of the Big Dance Festival. The idea is for as many people as possible, of all different ages, to join us for a basic but fun choreography which everyone can learn, as well as a chance to try out some acrobatics moves if you are feeling brave.