

This is a guest post by Alison Halstead. Alison is a Mimbre Associate Performer, and a British-born, American-raised, professionally-trained actor. This article originally appeared on her blog 4 foot 6, on 5th December 2016.     ​-- one of several workshops for d/Deaf and disabled actors, hosted by a...

This is a re-post by The Virtuoso. This article originally appeared on The Virtuoso, on March 1st 2016. Today, a story that has nothing to do with science or literature, but one in honor of Super Tuesday and Women’s History Month: women’s suffrage! Specifically, women’s suffrage...

This is a guest post by Alison Halstead. Alison is a Mimbre Associate Performer, and a British-born, American-raised, professionally-trained actor. This article originally appeared on her blog 4 foot 6, on 4th September 2016.  ...

This is a guest post by Flora Herberich. Flora has worked in circus in a range of roles from performer to producer; she’s currently circus associate at Jacksons Lane. This article originally appeared on The F-Word, on July 11th 2016.  Sawdust and sisterhood: I’m shamelessly borrowing...

Masterclass: High physicality in a theatrical setting Who it's for Circus performers, physical theatre performers, dancers and actors interested in mixing physicality, theatre and narrative. What to expect Bodies flying, falling, stacking up, a person carrying the weight of another, a person pushing someone else over - all images bursting with...

By Lina Johansson, Joint Artistic Director Mimbre For #1DayWithoutUs - celebrating the contribution of migrants to UK, I thought it appropriate to share Mimbre’s story - which is utterly balanced and built on international travel, migration and collaborations. If you ever enjoyed any of our shows, the classes we...

Last December, we returned to Ljubljana to teach an acrobatics and creative choreography masterclass at SUGLA, one the few Street Theatre Schools in Europe. We've been teaching this module ever since the  1st generation of students walked through the school's doors in 2007. Developing the module has been a great learning...